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Where to Get Paid for Writing Reviews for Companies

Get Paid To Write Reviews For AmazonDid you know that you lot can really go paid to write reviews for Amazon?

Chances are, probably not – considering despite it'southward amazing earning potential & easiness to practise, not many people practise seem to know about it… But it's a fact that at that place are actually may people (myself included) that earn a full-time living by writing short, simple reviews for companies like Amazon.

And in this weblog mail service, I'chiliad going to evidence you how information technology works, how much money you lot tin brand & most importantly, how you can get started with it for yourself.

So if you lot've got any interest in writing reviews for coin so be sure to read this web log post right to the very end because it's going to contain literally everything that you need to know.

Who Can Get Paid To Write Reviews?   |   Is Information technology Legal?   |   How Much Money Can You Make Writing Reviews?   |   How To Become Paid To Write Reviews   |   The Best Identify To Get Started

Who Can Become Paid To Write Reviews?

Many methods of earning money online are restricted to certain countries, age groups or demographics, but the skilful news about this i, in particular, is that it can be done past anybody.

That's right – it doesn't matter where yous live, how old you are, whether y'all're male, female, or even a robot… You'll still have the opportunity bachelor to y'all to earn money for writing reviews.

The merely thing that may differ depending on where you're located is how you'll be paid considering some countries are limited to what means of payment they can accept.

For example, some countries do not accept access to PayPal… But it'southward typically no big bargain as you tin can often just cull another payment method instead, such as cheque or direct bank transfer, etc.

And if you're wondering about experience, well, you don't need it.

Feel at writing (or writing reviews in detail) is non necessary. You lot tin practise this (and still earn money by doing it) even if you're never written a unmarried review earlier in your life.

So, basically, it's skillful news all effectually on this front. If you lot came hither wondering "can I become paid to write reviews?" then the quick answer is yes you can (and pretty darn proficient money too).

It'southward true that paying for product reviews on Amazon is against their terms, and rightly so. There'south nothing more than annoying for a customer than trying to discover honest reviews & getting aught but skewed "opinions" from paid reviewers.

Simply with then much competition on Amazon this doesn't stop product vendors from yet seeking out paid reviews.

And so, you might exist wondering, is it legal to be on the other stop of the spectrum?

Is information technology legal to become paid to write reviews?

Well, the skillful news for you is that in this blog post I am not talking about writing paid reviews ON Amazon itself. I'm talking almost writing reviews of products from Amazon, on other websites.

There's a big divergence, every bit you'll before long see… And not just is my method legal, but it's also actively encouraged by Amazon themselves. In fact, it'southward Amazon that will be paying you lot.

And so the answer is Aye, it'due south legal.

Simply with regards to writing paid reviews ON Amazon & the legalities of that in terms of getting paid from product vendors to write misleading & potentially false reviews… I don't know about that.

Chances are, probably not… And either manner, I don't condone doing it.

The reviews you'll exist writing (and getting paid for writing) through my method on this page volition all be honest reviews considering the more honest they are, the more than you'll stand to earn.

How Much Money Can You Make Writing Reviews?

Honestly, the earning potential is completely unlimited with this method. The sky truly is the limit & it's merely a case of how hard yous're willing to work.

The harder you work, the more than you can earn.

And what's more is that once you've got a few reviews under your belt your earnings can even showtime to go passive too, allowing you to essentially "compound your results" and scale up your income.

In fact, some Amazon review writers earn as much as 5-figures per month, often whilst just working part-time (though, it should be noted that initially, they volition take worked very hard).

Amazon Earnings Example

Some, such every bit Shawndra Russell from Make a Living Writing even earn as much every bit six-figures by writing online.

Pretty crazy stuff, right?

But what's craziest nigh this method is that it's really not difficult to practise. As I mentioned farther up in this post, literally everyone tin can exercise it.

At present I know what you're probable thinking…

There must be a catch, correct?

Well, yes, there kind of is… But it's not really a bad one, and it's one that anybody tin can overcome with a petty persistence. The "grab" is simply that you won't begin earning instantly.

Information technology's not a FAST method for earning money (there'southward no such thing).

FAST methods for making money are known as scams.

Initially, it will take quite a bit of effort, and that effort volition have to be made without any immediate reward… But the skillful news is that if you lot do stick at it, you lot WILL make money.

Here'southward proof of that:

  • My Starting time Amazon Check – It works!
  • I got my start Amazon bank check yesterday on over $1000!
  • My First $3.75K Month, 2.5 Years Later! (Patience Pays Off)
  • My Beginning Amazon Check Is On Its Style!
  • My Beginning Amazon Cheque Has Arrived

Unfortunately, however, it seems that most people these days await things to happen "instantly" & then despite this being a fantastic way to earn, it'south often very overlooked.

But, that's upward to you. The ball's in your court on that front.

How To Get Paid To Write Reviews

First, what I desire to once again stress here is that y'all are not going to be writing FAKE product reviews. I don't condone that & in all honesty, I'chiliad totally against information technology.

You shouldn't exist trying to earn money by tricking people.

Instead, what I'm talking about hither is getting paid to write honest & helpful reviews of products from Amazon (or just most whatever website for that thing).

And you're going to learn how you tin leverage a method known as affiliate marketing to brainstorm earning consistent commissions for many years to come from every review that y'all write.

Affiliate marketing happens to be the exact same manner that I earn most of my own money online, and so in curt, you're basically learning about the exact same way I earn my ain money.

It'south a very proficient & very powerful method & information technology'southward a method that you lot can calibration to any level that y'all desire.

You encounter, through chapter marketing you get the opportunity to promote products or services for companies & earn commissions if anybody clicks via your promotion & makes a purchase.

How it works is that you simply get your own unique link to the products or services that y'all're promoting.

This ways that when y'all share the link online, whatsoever clicks on it are tracked back to you. So if yous share it & somebody clicks information technology & and so buys something, that sale is tracked back to you.

Most importantly, this means that you become paid for that auction.

Simple enough, right?

Now, affiliate marketing is actually a really popular manner to make money online, nonetheless despite its popularity, many of the people that try it out never actually make whatsoever money.


Because they go about it the wrong way. They do things such every bit send their links to friends or family, or pay for advertising, or but actively try to push button their links onto people.

That'southward not the way to do it. There'due south a better fashion.

The better way is to but write a review of whatever information technology is that you're promoting & then permit the buyers come up to you.

The benefit of this method is that there's no messing around with selling & telling or annihilation like that. Y'all but publish a review, then people come to it, read it, make up one's mind to make a purchase & then you lot get paid a commission in render.

You encounter, when you publish content online, search engines such equally Google & Bing automatically observe information technology & list information technology within their results as an option for people to click on whenever they search for something related to it.

So as an case, let'south say I decided to look for a review of a product called Gorilla Tape before I bought it.

I'd caput to Google and search for something like "gorilla record review" (naturally).

And the result that pops up in the listings & catches my eye is a mail service from some chosen "thetechnologyman" as shown below:

Google Search Results

Then I click the link to find out more info & I'm presented with a review from a guy who compares Gorilla record against some other tape & concludes that the Gorilla tape is ameliorate.

The important point hither, however, is that he then provides a link for you to purchase the Gorilla record on Amazon… And guess what? The link he provides is an Amazon chapter link.

Take a look:

Review Conclusion Example

This means that whenever somebody decides to look for a review of Gorilla tape, checks out his post & and then clicks his link to purchase it, he'll go paid a commission from Amazon.

All from a small, quondam effort of writing the review.

And what'due south more than is that he'll keep to earn those commissions for many years to come – well, for every bit long equally he decides to keep his review published, or for every bit long every bit the product exists.

Amazing, right?

And literally anybody can do this. If you've ever used a product & formed an opinion about information technology, yous can write a review nigh it & earn money by helping other people that are looking to purchase information technology.

The Best Place To Get Started

The all-time place that yous can get started with this method (in my opinion) is a place called Wealthy Affiliate, which is where you'll get all of the tools & training you demand to get started.

At Wealthy Affiliate, y'all'll be shown step-by-footstep (and provided with the tools that you demand) to build your ain uncomplicated website which is where yous'll publish the reviews that you write.

You lot'll then exist shown how tin can you lot tin can affiliate yourself with Amazon (or any other website y'all wish to chapter yourself with) so that you lot can begin earning by promoting their products.

And all-time of all, yous can get started with Wealthy Affiliate for free.

So if later on reading this blog post & getting an insight into how yous can get paid to write reviews for Amazon products you lot've found yourself wanting to try information technology out, I'd highly recommend you check out Wealthy Affiliate.

Or if yous'd similar to learn more about Wealthy Chapter first, you lot tin can read my full, in-depth review right here.

Alternatively, you can also check out my own free guides on getting started with chapter marketing & building a website (for gratis) via the links below:

  • What Is Affiliate Marketing & How Does It Work? A Unproblematic Guide For Beginners
  • How To Create a Website (For Free) & Earn Money From Information technology – Footstep Past Footstep Guide

But whichever route you determine to go down, I promise that my post here has enlightened you to the fact that yes, information technology actually is possible to get paid for writing reviews on Amazon products.

And of grade, if you lot have any further questions with regards to how it all works or anything like that then don't hesitate to leave them below. I'one thousand always more than happy to offer assist & assistance. 🙂


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